All the teachers in the Sarasota classroom will wear the Chinese traditional costumes while giving the lessons. Meanwhile, students will also have the opportunities to try the costumes on! It's a nice way for students to feel immersed in the Chinese culture. We have many more clothing besides the pictures shown, please come and see!
All the teachers in the Sarasota classroom will wear the Chinese traditional costumes while giving the lessons. Meanwhile, students will also have the opportunities to try the costumes on! It's a nice way for students to feel immersed in the Chinese culture. We have many more clothing besides the pictures shown, please come and see!
Please come and join us for a series of fun filled Chinese lessons—
Chinese Mid-autumn Festival celebration!
Please come and join us for a series of fun filled Chinese lessons—
Chinese Mid-autumn Festival celebration!

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电子信箱: baochinesetutors@gmail.com